Independent Electrical Contractors
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Independent Electrical Contractors
The Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. is a national trade association for merit shop electrical and systems contractors. IEC has over 3,000 member companies in over 50 chapters throughout the USA.
Founded in 1957, the primary goal of the group was to consider and deal by all lawful means with common problems of management, distribution, employment, and promote activities that enable the industry to be conducted with the greatest economy and efficiency.
Spenser Villwock

Spenser has a solid record of leadership in his career, most notably as the Executive Director of IEC Rocky Mountain Chapter, IEC National Chief Chapter Development Officer, and currently as CEO of IEC National. With his experience, he is well versed in understanding the needs of a large national association of electrical contractors, while also understanding the mechanics of leadership from the chapter perspective. In my opinion, this perspective gives Spenser a leadership advantage. In addition, Spenser has attained industry certifications and educational degrees that make him a well-rounded CEO.
Independent Electrical Contractors