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Details about Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship
As a NW Line JATC apprentice, you will receive on-the-job training to become a journeyman lineman. You will build, repair, and maintain the powerlines that carry electricity to homes and businesses across our communities. From the point of generation at the power plants to the customers meter, linemen are responsible for the work- from powerlines and overhead structures ranging upwards of 300 feet to underground vaults and trenches. Work can be in rural or metropolitan areas.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship
Many journeymen linemen from this program who have transitioned to managerial positions, have taken their technical and managerial skills and pursued careers as educators, independent business owners, consultants, and inspectors, to name a few.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship
Puget Sound Energy
How long does Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship take?
4 Years
How to get into Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship
You are required to submit to a drug and alcohol screening in your first term of the program, Drug & Alcohol Testing, One year of high school algebra is recommended.
2024 Enrollment


Housing Available?

Boots/Tools Included?
Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship
This heavily wooded area can cause from some challenging yet impressive tasks for even the most experienced lineman.

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship