Details about Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program
If you like to be outdoors, love challenges and aren't afraid of heights, being a professional Lineman is a career to consider. The MCTC Lineman Program will train you to install, maintain and repair high-power transmission and distribution lines and systems that deliver electric power from the generating source to the end user.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program
You will receive 317 hours of training and upon successful completion, you will have earned a Class A CDL license, OSHA flagger certification, first aid & CPR certification and OSHA 10 training in addition to the Lineman certification.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program
Kentucky Utilities
How long does Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program take?
10 weeks
How to get into Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program
High School Diploma GED, Driving license, 18 years of age
2024 Enrollment
Housing Available?
Boots/Tools Included?
Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program
Maysville Community and Technical College is a public community college in Maysville, Kentucky. It is part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.
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Maysville Community and Technical College Lineman Program