Details about Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program
Academic courses will be held at Manchester Community College and hands-on laboratory courses will be held at an Eversource facility located in Hooksett, New Hampshire and the IBEW training facility located in Barrington, New Hampshire. The program will prepare students for employment in a variety of electrical fields
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program
Local compensation for lineman in this part of the country has be steadily increasing over years.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program
New Hampshire Elec Co-Op
How long does Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program take?
2 Semester
How to get into Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program
Accuplacer placement test, one-day IBEW Boot Camp to test their
2024 Enrollment


Housing Available?

Boots/Tools Included?
Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program
New Hampshire
Lineman in this program enjoy spending time at the Strange Brew Tavern

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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Manchester Community College Electrical Lineworker Program