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Details about Lansing Community College Lineworker Program
Once you have been accepted into the program, you will complete 13 months of intensive coursework consisting of a four day Utility Lineworker orientation, two semesters of academic courses, and a 10-Week climbing school conducted at a utility training center. Successful completion of this program will prepare you to enter lineworker apprenticeships with utility companies, or other occupations that require similar skills.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from Lansing Community College Lineworker Program
Successful completion of this program will prepare you to enter lineworker apprenticeships with utility companies, or other occupations that require similar skills.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from Lansing Community College Lineworker Program
How long does Lansing Community College Lineworker Program take?
24 Weeks
How to get into Lansing Community College Lineworker Program
Must be 18 years old, Applicants must pass a pre-screen drug test during
2024 Enrollment


Housing Available?

Boots/Tools Included?
Lansing Community College Lineworker Program
Lansing is the capital city of Michigan. Lineman in the area enjoy checking out Sholtys Bar.

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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Lansing Community College Lineworker Program