Details about HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program
Our hands-on program will focus on electrical theory and codes and development of skills to work as a residential or commercial electrician. Many graduates have gone on to become journeymen lineman.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program
Lineman in this area often have very demanding traveling schedules as they are often sent to other states in the Northeast.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program
First Energy Corp
How long does HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program take?
1 Year
How to get into HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program
High School Diploma
2024 Enrollment


Housing Available?

Boots/Tools Included?
HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program
Lineman in this program enjoy checking out the local National Civil War Musuem

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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HACC Harrisburg Campus Lineman Certificate Program