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Details about BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship
As a Power Line Technician (PLT) at BC Hydro, you play a vital role in ensuring the reliable delivery of electricity to homes and businesses across B.C. You install new power lines, and also maintain and repair lines damaged by weather and other factors.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship
Keeping the lights on for over 4 million people across the province takes a lot of talented people doing many different jobs. BC Hydro is a highly regarded company in the industry.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship
Lineman Pre-apprentice Certificate, ITA BC, University of the Fraser Valley (UFV)
How long does BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship take?
6 Months, 1 year
How to get into BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship
Graduate with English 12, Math 11 and Physics 11 (or the equivalent). Class 3 driver's license for manual transmission
2024 Enrollment


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BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship
British Columbia
The province of British Columbia, Canada has six distinct regions; Vancouver Island, Vancouver Coast & Mountains, Thompson Okanagan, Kootenay Rockies, Northern British Columbia, which includes Haida Gwaii, and the Cariboo, Chilcotin, Coast region.

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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BC Hydro Powerline Technician Apprenticeship