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Westar Energy

Westar Energy Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


WESTAR ENERGY HOLDING LLC is an international high-tech company who invests in Renewable Energy Solutions for a Greener Future.And Working on SmartStar Lawrence project

Westar Energy Lineman Pay and Salary Information

The average salary for Westar Energy Inc Lineman is $69,293 per year. Westar Energy has a health insurance program.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Westar Energy

As a Groundman/ Apprentice Lineman at Westar you will assist and learn under a Journeyman Lineman in Building and Maintaining Powerlines for various Utility Contractors. This Job also consists of working sometimes in inclement weather such as Hurricanes, Snow Storms, Tornadoes, Hard Freezes, & Fires.

Westar Energy Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Westar Energy Maintain and repair electrical distribution and transmission systems, including conduits, cables, wires, transformers, circuit breakers. This includes work from power plants to the meters of customers homes.

Westar Energy Lineman Job Hiring Process

Lineman in Westar Energy required attention paid to safety in all instances, working experience, gear tools, belt and high school diploma.

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Recruiter at Westar Energy?

Company profiles on Lineman Central are updated annual through our nationwide survey and data collection process with the support of 10,000 line workers in transmission and distribution. If you see something out of date, please let us know. 


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