Walker Engineering, Inc. Lineman Jobs
Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen
Current Lineman Openings:
Walker Engineering is a Texas-based company providing commercial electrical contracting and technology services since 1981.It has 780 employees.Working on Westlake, TX. Commercial Electrical Project
Walker Engineering, Inc. Lineman Pay and Salary Information
Walker Engineering, Inc. Lineman pay hourly ranges from approximately $40 per hour. Walker Engineering, Inc has a health insurance program.
Lineman Apprenticeships at Walker Engineering, Inc.
Digs pole and anchor holes, assists in pole setting, ground-assembles material into larger units for line work, hoists and lowers material and tools for other linemen by means of a handline, drives ground rods, and attaches ground wires. Under General Supervision, must climb poles and work on simple low-voltage equipment. Mounts crossarms and related equipment on poles, pulls wire, and splices and dead-ends wire.
Walker Engineering, Inc. Journeyman Lineman Jobs
Journeyman lineman at Walker Engineering, Inc. Installing power supply wiring and conduit such as: EMT, Rigid conduit, strut, cable trays, Troubleshooting electrical components, wiring diagrams, transformers, motors, panels, and circuits.
Walker Engineering, Inc. Lineman Job Hiring Process
Lineman at Walker Engineering, Inc requires driver's license and work clothing, tools and gear and has High Voltage experience.
Recruiter at Walker Engineering, Inc.?
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