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Vero Beach Electric

Vero Beach Electric Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Vero Beach Electric is hiring lineman. We have been electrical contractors Vero Beach and Fort Pierce, FL have trusted for over 25 years. Vero Beach Electric has always operated under strong values aimed at exceeding client needs. Vero Beach Electric serve for a quote for the electrician service Vero Beach trusts.

Vero Beach Electric Lineman Pay and Salary Information

The average salary for a Linemane is $21.43 per hour in Vero Beach Electric. Vero Beach Electric benefits and perks, including insurance benefits.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Vero Beach Electric

Construct and maintain overhead and underground electric lines and equipment
Work lines and equipment energized with higher voltage only after successful completion of Apprentice 2, after successfully completing hot line training with recommendation of the supervisor and the approval of the manager
Inspect existing primary and secondary power lines and substation equipment
Correct and report problems and hazards observed
Maintain and operate vehicles and equipment
Investigate trouble on lines and locate cause of power outages
Maintain and service, including cleaning and repairing, all tools and equipment

Vero Beach Electric Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Vero Beach Electric Location and repair secondary service wires extending from the meter to other building and those connections. Any disconnect switches, fuses and/or breaker panels at the meter.

Vero Beach Electric Lineman Job Hiring Process

To become a Lineman in Vero Beach Electric Able to obtain a Commercial Driver's License permit within 60 days of employment and clothing dress with boots.

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Recruiter at Vero Beach Electric?

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Lineman Central is the leading portal for connecting with lineman apprenticeship programs, technical schools and work opportunities. The demand for lineman is expected to climb by 8.5% by the year 2026. Each month we help hundreds of line workers find their next job across the country. Interested in hiring the best workers close to you?

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