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Madison Gas and Electric

Madison Gas and Electric Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Madison Gas and Electric is hiring lineman. Madison Gas and Electric generates and distributes electricity to 146,000 customers in Dane County, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 152,000 customers in seven south-central and western Wisconsin counties.

Madison Gas and Electric Lineman Pay and Salary Information

The average Lineman salary at Madison Gas and Electric is $86,638 per year, but the range typically falls between $81,327 and $90,782. MGE Energy benefits and perks, including insurance benefits, retirement benefits.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Madison Gas and Electric

The lineworker apprentice at Madison Gas and Electric is responsible for a variety of tasks and accepts assignments from Line Supervisor on shift and shall be assigned to work directly with a 1st Class Lineman. Learns to perform those tasks required in the construction, maintenance or operation of electrical power transmission and distribution facilities. Lineman Apprentice I shall be assigned to a Line Supervisor on 1 of 4 rotating shift schedule: midnight to 08:00 a.m.; 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.; and 04:00 p.m. to midnight and a swing-shift.

Madison Gas and Electric Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Madison Gas and Electric Digs pole and anchor holes, assists in pole setting, ground-assembles material into larger units for line work, hoists and lowers material and tools for other linemen by means of a handline, drives ground rods, and attaches ground wires. Under General Supervision, must climb poles and work on simple low-voltage equipment. Mounts crossarms and related equipment on poles, pulls wire, and splices and dead-ends wire. Installs guys and pole supports. Sags spans of wire and ties wire to insulators with tie wires. Assists, as directed, in the mounting, installation, connection, and removal of such equipment as transformers, cutouts, lightning arresters, capacitors, and voltage regulators. Becomes proficient at secondary and primary terminations on URD equipment, i.e., elbows, terminators, and risers. Attaches rigging and slings. Assists in substation and transformer vault construction, operation, and maintenance work.

Madison Gas and Electric Lineman Job Hiring Process

All positions at Madison Gas and Electric require a high school degree or equivalent and most require experience or training beyond high school.

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