ITC Midwest Lineman Jobs
Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen
Current Lineman Openings:
ITC Midwest is hiring lineman. ITC’s grid development focus includes growth through regulated infrastructure investment as well as domestic and international expansion through merchant and other commercial development opportunities. ITC owns and operates high-voltage transmission facilities in Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma.
ITC Midwest Lineman Pay and Salary Information
The average annual salary for a lineworker at ITC Midwest is $70,550.
Lineman Apprenticeships at ITC Midwest
Lineman apprentices at ITC Midwest will be responsible for construction, maintenance and operations. Use shovels, sledge hammers and 90 lb jack hammers. Perform aerial work in a safety belt in a safe and efficient manner
ITC Midwest Journeyman Lineman Jobs
Journeyman lineman at ITC Midwest performs site preparation tasks, including digging holes or trenches, installing anchors, climbing poles, and using equipment like digger derricks, aerial lifts,
ITC Midwest Lineman Job Hiring Process
ITC Midwest requires Our four-year Apprenticeship curriculum offers classes from basic safety, tools, blueprints, first aid & CPR and math through advanced classes in types of wiring, troubleshooting, NEC code and leadership.
Recruiter at ITC Midwest?
Company profiles on Lineman Central are updated annual through our nationwide survey and data collection process with the support of 10,000 line workers in transmission and distribution. If you see something out of date, please let us know.
Lineman Central is the leading portal for connecting with lineman apprenticeship programs, technical schools and work opportunities. The demand for lineman is expected to climb by 8.5% by the year 2026. Each month we help hundreds of line workers find their next job across the country. Interested in hiring the best workers close to you?